Am retired from the phone company. Married for 52 years to Sue N1GTJ. My high school sweetheart. Have two grown children. We celebrated our 50th in St. Kitts and celebrated at Marshalls (pic below).
Originally licensed 1975 as WN1SSX, WA1SSX, AB1A in 1978, off for a while (2005-2013) back active on the HFs Apr. 2013. I have two adult children. My wife is also a ham, N1GTJ. When I got back into Ham Radio, my first radio was a used IC-718 and it was great, loved the radio. Put up three G5RV’s dipoles at 50 to 70 ft. Upgraded to an ICOM IC-7410 and an amp/antenna tuner, an IC-7700 and now an IC-7610 fantastic radio with dual watch. Also just put up a 3 el beam on 6m, upgraded to a 5 el, then 7el on 30 ft. boom. First time ever on 6m. In honor of my uncle Dick who I was named after and got me interested in ham radio and was a BIG 6M AM guy in the day. I remember his setup, Gonset radio I think, or maybe a Clegg 99 with crystals. Remember crystal control?? Worked the major Aurora event in March 17, 2015 worked 13 states and Canada. Unbelieveable with beam headed north. 1857Z to 2121Z. Also the epic 6M opening to EU after the 2016 June VHF test, June 13, 2016 from 1305Z to 1648Z. I worked 53 stations in EU and 7 new countries.
I have Yaesu FT-991a. Is a great radio. Does HF – 6M and 2M and 70CM. I have a satellite antenna setup using Yaesu G-5500 AZ/EL rotator and 2M Cushcraft 10 el, 70cm Cushcraft 23el and M2 1.2G Yagi.
I want to thank my uncle Dick W1ZSV (silent key) for getting me interested in ham radio and my friend and ELMER, Bob K8LJ for the kick in the ass to get my ticket and finally to Extra Class. And of course my wife, Sue, N1GTJ, for supporting me over the many years, and for her understanding when I wanted to put up two 120 ft. towers one which was attached to her barn. Also recently when I decided to get back into ham radio.
In the late 70’s and thru 2001 I had two 120 ft. towers one with TH6DXX and sloping phased dipoles using the guylines for 80M. The second tower had 2 element 40M beam and tower was 1/4 wave vertical on 160 with 120, 120 ft. radials. Had an 800 foot beverage for receiving. Of course a KW and many different radios from HW-101 to Kenwood latest radio for 1990’s.
After nearly 41 years of ham radio I decided it was time to get a new call, K2KA. K2KA was originally owned by Simpson Adler (SK), Cherry Hill NJ. See card below. The call was granted to me on 26 April 2016. Thanks to the FCC for picking my app out of many who applied. It is mega easy on CW and 99% get it right first time! Thanks Simpson.
After 43 years I finally got Honor Roll now 336 countries confirmed / 346 worked (includes deleted).
After 45 year I finally got 6M DXCC and my 10th band for DXCC. Currently 132 worked and 132 confirmed. Thanks mainly to FT8 and upgrading the 6M beam to a M2 6M7JHV 7el. on a 30 ft. boom. Worked 40+ new countries since putting up this antenna.! Including JA, HL, ZA, 4X, 7X, JW, OD, S0, HI, ZD7, FR, 3B9, V5, D2, 7Q, HD8. Need AK for WAS on 6.
Dxpeditions to KP2, KL7, KH6, V4.
See you on the airwaves.
73, Dick K2KA and Sue Ferry N1GTJ